Before I Let You Go Read online

Page 7

  She wagged her index finger. “I knew if I told you you’d run and blab your mouth, but I guess it didn’t matter, since Diamere ran his own mouth.” Leaning back in her chair, she frowned. “I don’t know if I want to go out with someone who gossips.”

  “Girl, puhleeze! That man is just excited is all. When I asked him about lunch the other day, he…” Realizing she had just told on herself, Essence trailed off.

  Kelly pursed her lips. “Now I see how it is.”

  “I just wanted to know how lunch went,” she admitted sheepishly.

  “You could have asked me,” Kelly said in a quiet voice.

  “Yeah…or I could go straight to the source. Diamere came over last night and I asked him when Mark wasn’t in the room.”

  Curiosity got the best of Kelly. “Well, quit beating around the bush and tell me.”

  The corners of Essence’s mouth inched higher. “Now who’s being nosy?” When she saw the impatient look on her friend’s face she said, “Okay, okay. Diamere said he had never wanted anything as much as he wanted a second chance with you.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “You’re kidding.”

  Essence shook her head. “Nope. He did.”

  A second chance? Was that what was happening between them? Oh, how often she had wished, dreamed and hoped that she would have the chance to start where they left off. But too many years had passed. And it was too late for second chances. So what was happening between them? Absolutely nothing, Kelly told herself, then pushed aside the feelings that were fluttering at her chest. She was just trying to find a way to get Diamere out of her system once and for all. After Devin, love was the last thing she needed.

  “We’re going to have dinner and see a movie. That’s all. Just two friends catching up.”

  “You keep telling yourself that and maybe you’ll start believing it.”

  Kelly shot her a warning look. “Don’t you have some lesson plans to prepare?”

  Essence stood and glanced over at the clock. “All done. And it’s noon, so I think it’s time to go shopping.”

  Kelly’s brow rose. “Shopping? What are you buying now?” Everyone knew Essence was a shopaholic.

  Resting her hands on her narrow hips, she smiled down at Kelly. “Not me. You. We’re going to lunch and then we’re going to find you something sexy to wear for tomorrow night.”

  Kelly groaned. Essence was not going to give up until she agreed. Reluctantly, she closed her lesson plan and reached for her purse. She might as well eat something first, because she was in for a long afternoon.

  Just as Kelly suspected, it was almost six when she finally stepped through her front door. Without bothering to look at the mail, she moved down the hall to her bedroom with her arms filled with bags. As soon as she neared the bed, she lowered them to the floor and fell back onto the mattress with a heavy sigh. She had always loved to shop, but nothing could have prepared her for the marathon Essence had run her through. They had gone through every department store in the mall. Lingerie, shoes, jewelry and clothing. Kelly had to admit she’d enjoyed herself, but she wasn’t ready to repeat that adventure for a long time.

  Anxious to see the items she’d allowed Essence to con her into buying, she sat up on her bed, reached for a small red-and-pink bag and removed a red demi bra and matching low-rise panties. Sexy. Her lips curled upward. Just having the satin material against her skin made her feel seductive and in total control. Diamere wouldn’t get the chance to see her in them, but at least she could feel naughty with her own little secret.

  From the next box she pulled out a little black dress with a low-cut front. That was one outfit she would never have considered buying, but Essence had insisted she try it on. Kelly was reluctant at first, but once she did she knew there was no way she was leaving without it. It hugged every curve and made her feel sexier than she ever had.

  Next she pulled out a black box and removed a pair of black patent leather stiletto sandals. Slipping off her mules, she slid her feet into the shoes, strapped them on and strutted across the room in front of the mirror near her closet door. Working as a schoolteacher, she usually wore low heels so she’d be comfortable all day. On weekends she rarely wore heels except for special occasions. She paused and stared at her reflection as she tried to figure out what made this date more exciting than the one she’d had two months ago, with a neighbor’s son her mother had tried fixing her up with. It wasn’t with Diamere.

  Just thinking about him seeing her in the outfit and stilettos made her heart pitter-patter. She was looking forward to tomorrow night even if she didn’t care to admit it.

  Staring at her reflection, Kelly took a moment to note how flushed her cheeks were at the thought of spending an entire evening with Diamere. She drew a deep breath and forced herself to relax. She couldn’t afford to lose her head.

  One thing she had to remember was that no matter how much fun she had tomorrow, no matter how much her pulse raced, it was just a date between friends, nothing more. So why wasn’t her heart listening?

  Chapter 8

  On Friday, Kelly hurried home from school and spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready for her date with Diamere. She was a nervous wreck and thought a hot bath was just what she needed to calm her nerves. She was a grown woman and yet her heart fluttered with anticipation. After adjusting the water temperature, she reached for the mango-scented bubble bath and poured a capful under the faucet. The steamy heat would totally relax her and she needed that.

  The doorbell rang. Kelly frowned, wondering who could possibly be visiting. Quickly, she slipped on a robe and hurried down the hall. She opened the door to find a flower deliveryman standing outside. Her eyes grew as he handed her a large box wrapped beautifully in pink cellophane and tied with a white bow and curly streamer. She couldn’t believe Devin. He’d been sending her gifts since she left Texas. She regretted leaving a forwarding address at her former school. Kelly was tempted to tell the deliveryman to take the box and give it to his girlfriend. But, plastering on a smile, she thanked him and closed the door.

  Kelly carried the box to the table and reached for the card, all set to roll her eyes. Instead, she gasped when she read the inscription. “Looking forward to spending the evening with you.” She laughed at herself for jumping to conclusions. The gift was from Diamere. He was definitely starting the night off on the right foot.

  She opened the box and smiled. Inside were a dozen roses, one pink and eleven white. Kelly brought the pink one to her nose and inhaled. She loved roses, especially pink ones, and Diamere knew it. As she carried the box to the kitchen, she remembered how on her sixteenth birthday her father had bought her sixteen pink roses and how ecstatic she had been. Diamere had been there and her father had explained her love for the flower. She clearly recalled Diamere saying, “I’ll have to remember that,” and remember he did. Her smile widened. She reached under the sink, removed a glass vase and filled it with cool water before adding the beautiful arrangement.

  “Oh, my God!” Kelly gasped. Leaving the vase on the kitchen counter, she scrambled down the hall and into her bedroom to find the water in the bathtub climbing dangerously close to the top. Quickly, she turned off the tap and reached for the drain, letting out just enough to allow room for her own body.

  Kelly returned to her room long enough to strip off her robe, then padded naked back into the bathroom and sank into the tub of hot bubbles. With a sigh, she rested her head against the bath pillow and allowed herself to relax. All she could think about was her date tonight and it had her body humming with anticipation.

  Closing her eyelids, she found images of Diamere’s handsome face appearing front and center. Kelly felt her nipples begin to harden. There was no doubt about it. The coffee-brown man was fine, inside and out. Any woman who had the privilege of being in his company should feel special. And tonight she was going to be the center of his attention. Her tongue slipped from between her lips and she moistened her suddenly dry lips at the t
hought of spending the entire evening staring into his big beautiful eyes. After years of wishing and wondering, she was finally going out on her first real date with him. Her heart pounded heavily at the possibilities.

  Kelly drew a leg to her chest and released a heavy breath. Years of heartache had taught her a painful lesson. No way was she going to make more of tonight than it truly was. However, even as that thought filled her mind, she couldn’t help but think that they were both mature, and single. Both had made it clear they weren’t looking for any kind of commitment. Kelly appreciated Diamere’s honesty. After his marriage to Ryan, the last thing he wanted was to be tied down. That was fine with her. This way there was no misunderstanding. Whatever happened between them would never be any more than it was.

  So why does that bother you?

  Kelly sank lower in the tub and pushed the ridiculous thought aside. The last thing she wanted was a relationship, even one with a man she had spent so many years secretly longing for. All she had time for in her life was her students and her studies. She was one semester away from graduation. It had been a long, difficult road, juggling a full-time teaching position and attending classes in the evening, but soon her hard work would finally pay off. Although she loved teaching, Kelly hoped by applying for the assistant principal position she would have more time to spend with the children and their parents. She was a strong believer that communication and patience were the keys to a child’s future.

  Reaching for her washcloth, Kelly lathered it and rubbed it across her arm. Yes, she didn’t have time for a relationship, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have fun. She was still a woman who was very attracted to a handsome man. What was wrong with finally finding out what she had been missing all these years? At the rate she was going she was going to die a virgin. True, she had been saving her virginity all these years for that special man in her life, but after a few too many dysfunctional relationships, and her farce of an engagement, she was starting to believe love just wasn’t meant for her. So what was she supposed to do in the meantime?

  As she rinsed off, Kelly made a decision. Tonight she was going to go for it. She was going to let whatever happened happen. She gave a nervous smile as her decision solidified. Her heart was pounding with fear of the unknown and anticipation of what she was about to experience. One thing was for sure. If Diamere was in the driver’s seat, it would be nothing short of amazing. Tonight she would get everything she was certain only Diamere could provide, and give in to the feelings that only he knew how to satisfy. And after tonight she would move on as if nothing in her life had changed. Although Kelly had a sinking feeling that it already had.

  Thirty minutes later she was in her room, slipping on her new red satin panties and matching demi bra. She loved the way the latter emphasized her ample breasts. Moving to the bed, she reached for the short black dress and pulled it over her head. Kelly looked into the full-length mirror and was just as pleased as when she’d tried it on in the store. It had been designed to draw the attention of even the least observant to the perfect lines of her figure. She rarely worked out anymore, and had the occasional eating binge, yet she still managed to keep her petite figure in shape. She smiled, thinking of her mother’s warning that once Kelly had kids of her own, her hips would spread and her hearty appetite would make her start packing on the pounds. Hopefully that was a long time away.

  Kelly reached for a bottle of perfume and sprayed her neck and the inside of her wrists with the clean, fresh scent. Tonight she didn’t want to wear anything too strong, just something soft and subtle enough to draw Diamere’s attention. Her heart fluttered at the thought of him pressing his thick, juicy lips against hers again. Kelly couldn’t help but imagine him trailing a path down her chest and traveling down to her—Enough!

  She was asking for trouble, letting her mind go there. The evening was about having fun and living for the moment, and if they ended up doing more than just kissing, so be it. But she wasn’t going to initiate anything. The night would be about spontaneity.

  By seven Kelly was dressed, and slid on the stilettos. Reaching for her jewelry box, she removed a pair of diamond studs that had once belonged to her mother, and stuck them in her ears. She had just finished putting on her makeup when she heard the doorbell chime. Diamere had arrived. She felt knots in her stomach, but took two deep breaths and headed down the hall. Never before had she allowed a man to get to her like that. He’s just a man, he’s just a man, she repeated in her head. But when she swung the door open, her breath caught in her throat. Her hands began to sweat and her mouth turned dry at the sight of him. This was the same man who had been invading her dreams all week. Her eyes traveled the length of his stunning body. He was wearing khaki slacks and a pale yellow button-down shirt, but he looked sexy enough to grace a magazine cover.

  “Hey, sexy.” He made no attempt to disguise his appreciation for her as his gaze passed slowly over her body. The tight black dress was already serving its purpose.

  Running her tongue over her lower lip, she met his eyes and smiled. “Hello,” she said, her voice sounding as if it were in some far-off place. “Come on in. I’m just about ready.”

  Diamere watched Kelly disappear down the hall, and when she was out of sight he realized he had been holding his breath.

  The dress she wore hugged every luscious curve of her petite body, while the stilettos emphasized her toned legs. As she moved away, he watched the enticing roundness of her backside and wondered how a woman that small could have that many curves. As aroused as he was, he knew he had to get his thoughts in order quickly or he was going to find himself moving down the hall and into her bedroom to take a closer look at those long legs.

  Even though he wasn’t interested in getting seriously involved with another woman, Diamere couldn’t help feeling curious about what it would be like to be with her in every way. Last night, while he lay in bed, he wondered what would have happened if he hadn’t married Ryan. He always knew that he and Kelly had a lot in common, and they were friends, which was very important. He was a strong believer that couples needed to be friends before they could ever become more serious. He was certain that if he’d had the chance back then, he and Kelly would have hit it off both in and out of the bedroom. They might have been the ones that ended up married instead of him and Ryan.

  Diamere brushed his thoughts aside long enough to admire the cream walls, polished hardwood floor, cathedral ceiling and large windows of Kelly’s living room. She definitely had a flair for decorating. Maybe he could convince her to come over and give him some tips. Just thinking about her coming to his condo had his mind wandering off into dangerous territory. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying each other, he told himself. One thing he truly appreciated was that they had already put their feelings on the table and had been honest about not looking for a commitment. That was good. Real good. Because the last thing he wanted to do was hurt Kelly. He cared about her too much. Now he would be able to enjoy their time together without having to worry about any miscommunication. Because last night he had made a decision. He wasn’t going to dictate the evening. He was going to allow things to flow on their own and if nothing happened, he was not going to be the least bit disappointed. After all, the night was young and anything was possible.

  “I’m all set.”

  At the sound of her voice, Diamere swung around and found Kelly standing there with a black purse over her shoulder. She had applied soft pink lipstick, which he was already tempted to kiss off. He decided to allow her to wear it for now, but before the evening was over he planned to have her lips bare, wet and swollen. He knew once he started kissing her it was going to be next to impossible to stop.

  Chapter 9

  Diamere helped Kelly into his Navigator, and as soon as their seat belts were safely in place he pulled away from the curb and headed toward the highway.

  “You smell good,” he told her.

  Kelly turned her head toward him and smiled. “Thanks. It’s ca
lled Pearls. It’s one of my favorite scents.”

  “I can see why.” He gave her a smile that intensified the ache in her body.

  She giggled to herself. The compliment was exactly what she had hoped for. Tonight she wanted to make sure she had his undivided attention. She had noticed his appreciative stare at the door and knew his eyes had been on her backside as she sashayed to her room to finish getting ready. Everything was going according to plan, and if things continued, before the night was over she would finally find out, after years of wishing and wondering, what it was like to be made love to by Diamere Redmond. A nervous shiver of anticipation traveled right down to her core, and she squeezed her legs tightly together.

  “You okay?”

  “What?” Her head snapped to the left. “I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

  “Because you just moaned.”

  Oh, no! Did I really do that out loud? “Oh, no. I…I was humming a tune I heard earlier,” she said, pleased at how fast she could think under pressure.

  “Then I guess I should have asked why were you crying, because you’ve never been able to carry a tune.”

  Kelly playfully slugged him in the arm. “I can too carry a tune.”

  “Ow!” he cried, trying to keep the laughter out of his voice. He rubbed his arm as if she had actually hurt him. “The Kelly Saunders I remember tried to sing Mariah Carey at one of her family reunions and got gonged after the first minute.”

  It only took a few seconds for her to remember the exact summer he was talking about. Kelly exploded with laughter at the reminder. She had been seventeen at the time and thought she was going to be the next worldwide singing sensation. At every Saunders family reunion they held a talent night and she had been determined to show her parents how well she could sing. It wasn’t long before one of her cousins tossed a deviled egg at her head.